Monday, March 1, 2010

Catchy New Feature Alert!

Okay gang, today will be the first in a weekly series of posts I like to call My Monday Mixtape. I'll consider this my chance to hook you up with a weekly sampling of what we're listening to over at Casa de Indie. Some mixes will simply be the best of what's currently in heavy rotation on our Ipods, others will be timely mixes for the season, or collections of music that somehow have a uniting theme, but mostly it's just a chance for us to pimp some of the songs and artists that we love.


Vetiver - You May Be Blue
Broken Social Scene - World Sick

Johnny Boy - You Are The Generation That Bought More Shoes And You Get What You Deserve


  1. great list. I seriously can not get enough of Japandroids lately.

  2. Yup,love Japandroids. My favorite band of 2009.
